On A More Serious Note...

Tajh boyd news. Jan 7, 2016 - Explore Erin NH's board 'On a More Serious Note.' , followed by 163 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Emergency prepardness, Emergency preparation, 72 hour kits. Jul 22, 2015 - Explore Cheryl Avery's board 'On a more SERIOUS note.' , followed by 109 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about words, quotes, me quotes.

On A More Serious Note Use

Two observations (in my boredom):

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On A More Serious Note Definition

The Gemarah records a “dialog” between HaShem and lehavdil Titus ym”s. As Titus was returning from destroying the Bais Hamikdash, he held himself haughty and blasphemed towards HaShem. A Bas-Kol from heaven came down said: “I have a tiny creature on land, care to fight it?” Upon reaching his destination, HaShem caused a tiny gnat to enter through Titus’s nostrils and caused him tremendous discomfort until his death….

In our modern era, it’s almost as if everyone (besides us Yidden) have declared war against HaShem…a society so completely demoralized… descending lower and lower at such an alarming rate, such a free fall. They’re legalizing any and every abomination and lust… things that would have disgusted moral and upstanding nations of the world of yesteryear…A world so completely devoid of any semblance of Godliness. And here comes Yad HaShem from a creature so much smaller than that of Titus – a microscopic bug – and it’s turned the WHOLE GOLBE upside down. Just listen to the news here; no sports – nothing at all. Financial markets are going completely beserk… In fact the whole economy situation our president has prided himself with, is completely undone – in a matter of days!! All with a microscopic something. (As an aside – remember anyone, the trade deal with China IMMEDIATELY preceding this outbreak? What was that for? יושב בשמים ישחק!) All schools, many businesses coming to a complete halt. The airlines…completely in the dust…. All by a microscopic something! יש מנהיג לבירה זו, and he’s halting the globe at large, literally… until this message gets around… Yes… there was a time when sports wasn’t the main thing. Neither the financial markets and institutions. Neither the plastic bag bans nor any other “save the planet”campaigns. No – today they are silly topics to even ponder… it’s how we are going to get through another day that’s on our minds. Yes. Here and now – in the modern year of 2020.

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Second thought: The Gemarah (somewhere) records an episode where an Amorah (I think) saw a scorpion taking a hitch on a toad’s (or another sea creatue) back. He watched as the toad swam across the water and then the scorpion disembarked. It than went and bit a person. This Amorah called out the passuk למשפטיך עמדו היום כי הכל עבדיך. And the meaning is that the whole of creation is in employ and at command to fulfill HaShems will. A scorpion and a toad…both teaming up to fulfill the רצון of Hashen.

On A More Serious Note..

And in our modern day where one would attempt to think that pretty much EVERYTHING is in the human reach and control – a microscopic bug and a modern, human built airplane both team up to do HaShem’s bidding. Think about it – without human intervention this virus would have never reached here (certainly not in the USA, probably not most of Europe too). It’s our very own advancements – our airplanes – that have been instrumental in carrying out Hashem’s will. And when HaShem wills it, no one is able to stop it… all the חכמים at the CDC or of the world… no one is able to come up with anything. When the בורא רפואות says it’s time – precisely then a cure and vaccine (for the vaxers, of course) will be found.

On A More Serious Note Synonym

נורא נוראות!!!