Change Folder Titles On Mac Appstabletsupernal

Mac OS X Ultimate Theme: Extract the contents of Mac OS X theme (two folders and two.theme files) to the C: Windows Resources Themes folder of your PC. Theme Activation: Run a Mac OS X Ultimate.theme file that you just pasted and voila! Your theme should be active. Simply download and install the free app MP3Tag. Launch MP3Tag then drag the folder of mp3 files which you need to change song titles for into the window. Select everyone of them, right click and go to Convert Tag – Tag As shown below, change Field to TITLE (1). Having more than one file on your hard drive with exactly the same name isn’t a good idea, even if the files are in different folders. You can have lots of files with the same name on the same disk. But your Mac won’t let you have more than one file with the same name and extension in the same folder. When you install the Microsoft OneDrive sync app for Mac, a copy of your OneDrive is downloaded to your Mac and put in the OneDrive folder. This folder is kept in sync with OneDrive. If you add, change, or delete a file or folder on the OneDrive website, the file or folder is added, changed, or deleted in your OneDrive folder and vice versa. setwd('F: git stringr') getwd 1 'F:/git/stringr' R will always print the results using /, but you’re free to use either / or as you please. To avoid having to deal with escaping backslashes in file paths, you can use the file.path function to construct file paths that are correct, independent of the operating system you work on.

Function Syntaxutb (to run manually)
Current Version1.9
View HTML VersionUpdateTitleblockV1-9.html
Sample Drawing & CSV

Program Description

This program offers the ability to automatically update drawing titleblock attributes (or indeed, any attributed blocks) with values sourced from a CSV file (a comma/character-separated-value file which may be opened & edited as an Excel spreadsheet).

The program is designed to run automatically when loaded and, after being correctly configured, may be added to the Startup Suite or acaddoc.lsp to enable drawing titleblocks or other attributed blocks to be automatically updated upon opening a drawing or running a script.

If loaded on startup, when a drawing is opened, a CSV file may be selected or automatically read by the program from a known location, and block attributes are automatically & silently updated using values corresponding to the rows associated with the active drawing in the CSV file.


The CSV file should take the following format:

(*The Layout & Block Name columns are optional)

An example of a CSV file demonstrating the above format and an accompanying drawing containing a sample attributed block for use with the program is available to download from the link at the top of this page.

When the program is run: if the drawing name (with or without extension) appears in the first column of the CSV file (not case-sensitive), attributes with tags corresponding to the column headings will be updated with values from the row in which the drawing filename resides.

The Layout column is optional; if present in the CSV file, the flag at the top of the code must be set, else the Layout column will be treated as another attribute tag. If the Layout column is used, titleblock attributes will be updated for each layout in a row associated with the drawing filename.

Similarly, the Block column is also optional; if the Block column is used and the flag located near the top of the program code has been set appropriately, the program will only update attributed blocks whose block name resides in this column.

A block filter is also included in the settings at the top of the code so that the user may opt to update specific blocks within drawings. This block filter may use wildcards, i.e. '*BORDER'. If set to nil or set to '*', all blocks with attribute tags equal to the column headings in the CSV Drawing Register will be updated with the corresponding values.



  • The program is currently set to run when loaded so that titleblocks may be automatically updated when a drawing is opened. To disable this autorun feature, remove or comment the line of code annotated at the end of the program source code.
  • If the block filter at the top of the code is left as nil or set to '*', all attributed blocks containing attribute tags equal to the column headings in the CSV file will be updated with the corresponding values.
  • The filename of the CSV file may be hard-coded into the settings at the top of the code, so that the file may be automatically read without a file selection prompt. If nil, the program will prompt the user to select a CSV file to read.
  • If the CSV file contains a Layout column (optional 2nd column), the 'Layout Column' parameter must be set to t.
  • If the CSV file contains a Block Name column (optional 3rd column, or 2nd column if no Layout column is present), the 'Block Name Column' parameter must be set to t.
  • The column headings of the Drawing, Layout, and Block columns are arbitrary and will not affect the program in any way.
  • All column headings are not case-sensitive.
  • Drawing filenames (1st column), Layout names (optional 2nd column), & Block names (optional 3rd column, or 2nd column if no Layout column is present) are not case-sensitive.
  • Please read the code header for more information.

Instructions for Running

This program is designed to run when loaded. The program may also be called from the AutoCAD command-line at any time using the syntax as noted above.

Refer to How to Run an AutoLISP Program for instructions on how to load this program.

Below are steps on how you can rename a file or directory. Click on one of the following links to automatically navigate to the correct operating system.


You must have write or modify permissions to a file, folder, or directory to rename it. In some cases, you may need administrator privileges in the operating system to rename.

How to rename in Microsoft Windows

Windows users can rename their files and directories by using one of the following methods. We've listed the following recommendations in what we believe to be the easiest methods of renaming a file.

Method one

  1. Highlight the file or folder.
  2. Right-click the file and click Rename from the menu that appears.

Change Folder Name In Mac

Method two

  1. Highlight the file or folder.
  2. Press the F2 key on the keyboard.

Method three

  1. Highlight the file or folder.
  2. Click File at the top of the window and select Rename from the list of available options.
Change folder titles on mac appstabletsupernal mac

Method four

  1. Highlight the file or folder you want to rename by single-clicking the file.
  2. Once highlighted, wait a few seconds and click the file again. A box should appear surrounding the file or folder name, and you can rename the file.

If you don't wait long enough and click the file or folder too fast, it can open the file or folder rather than allowing you to rename it.

Change folder titles on mac appstabletsupernal hard drive

Renaming multiple files or folders at once

  1. Open Explorer.
  2. In Explorer, select all the files you want to rename.
  1. Once the files are selected, press F2 to edit the file name, and type the new name for the files. For example, typing 'test' renames the files to test, test(1), test(2), test(3) etc. If you have file extensions shown, make sure to also type the name of the file extension you're renaming.

Microsoft Windows users can also rename any file using the Windows command line.

How to rename in MS-DOS and the Windows command line

MS-DOS and Windows command line users can change the name of a file or directory by using the ren or rename command. Below are examples of how this command can be used. Additional information about each of these commands is found by clicking the above command links.

Renaming a file

In the following example, this would rename the file test.txt to hope.txt.


If the test.txt file is not located in your current directory, you must specify the path to the file as a prefix to the file name. For example, if the file was in the 'computer' directory, you would type a command similar to the following example.

Renaming a file with a space

Whenever dealing with a file or directory with a space, it must be surrounded with quotes. Otherwise, you'll get the 'The syntax of the command is incorrect.' error. To rename the file 'computer hope.txt' to 'example file.txt', your command would resemble the following example.

Renaming multiple files with one command

To rename multiple files at once, you must utilize some form of wild character. Below are examples of how this could be done.

The following example would rename all the files in the current directory that end with .rtf to .txt files.

In this next example, the command would rename a file with an unknown character in the file name to something that can be read. The '?' used in the following example is the wild character for an unknown character.

Renaming a directory

Renaming a directory in MS-DOS is much like renaming a file. Use the ren or rename command to rename the directory. Because you cannot have a file and directory of the same name, you won't need to worry about mistakenly renaming a file instead of a directory. The only exception is if you're using wild characters.

In the following example, this would rename the computer directory to hope.

Rename the directory 'computer hope' to 'example directory'. Whenever dealing with a file or directory with a space, it must be surrounded with quotes. Otherwise, you'll get the 'The syntax of the command is incorrect.' error.

Rename in a batch file

To rename files in a batch file, you can use any of the rename commands or examples shown in the MS-DOS and Windows command line section.

How to rename in macOS

Apple macOS users can rename their files and directories by using one of the following methods. We've listed the following recommendations in what we believe to be the easiest methods of renaming a file.

First recommendation

In the macOS Finder, select the file by clicking the file once and then press the 'return' key on the keyboard. After pressing return, you can type in the new name of the file.

Second recommendation

Select the file or icon you want to rename. Click and then hover over the file name until it is highlighted. Once highlighted, this indicates the file can be renamed.

Third recommendation

Using the Terminal, you can also rename any file. See our Linux and Unix users section for steps on renaming a file using the mv command.

How to rename in the Linux and Unix command line

For detailed information about renaming files in Linux, see the Linux mv command.

Change Folder Titles On Mac Appstabletsupernal Hard Drive

Change Folder Titles On Mac Appstabletsupernal

Change Folder Titles On Mac Appstabletsupernal Mac

How to rename in Google Chrome OS

With the Google Chrome OS on a Chromebook, you can rename your files and directories by using one of the following methods. We've listed the following recommendations in what we believe to be the easiest methods of renaming a file.

First recommendation

Highlight the file by clicking the file once. Press Ctrl+Enter on the keyboard and then type the new name of the file.

Second recommendation

Right-click the file by pressing two fingers on the touchpad at the same time. In the right-click menu, click Rename and then type the new file name.

Additional information

  • See the file, folder and directory definitions for further information and related links.