- Does Serration Apply To Crit Dmg Warframe Budget Brown Recluse
- Does Serration Apply To Crit Dmg Warframe Budget Brown Eyes
The punchless piercing is a process that uses highly pressurized fluid instead of the conventional punch to make holes into the sheet metal. This process has many advantages over the conventional.
- Serration is a mod that increases the base damage of primary weapons (excluding shotguns) by 15% per rank, at a maximum of 165% at rank 10. Serration damage is applied before any other damage type. Therefore, every other damage increasing mod benefits from Serration. A weapon with a base damage of 18 equipped with a rank 9 Serration mod (150%) would have a new base damage of 45: 18 (1 + 1.
- Calculator WEAPON INFORMATION,3.1 is now live. This File Will be removed. Go to the wiki for the new link Select Weapon →,Latron Prime,CRITICALS Weapon Mod Type →,Rifle,Base Crit Multiplier%,Vital Sense%,Hammer Shot%,Final Critical MP Select Attack Type →,Charged,150,120,60,420 Damage Type.
This article is to explain and give insight to all that the Damage system in Warframe entails, such as Puncture, Slash and Impact base damage, as well as Elemental damage (Heat, Cold, Electricity and Toxin) and Elemental Combo damage (Blast, Corrosive, Radiation, Viral, Magnetic and Gas) – and Finisher damage (bypass shields and armor and goes straight onto health), yellow, orangeand redcrits.
The Damage system in Warframe can be thought of as quite intricate and very complex, I will try to explain the most commonly mentioned attributes as best as I can.
All damage types in Warframe has a so called “status effect” that can be procced based on specific weapons and their stats for status chance. You can consider the status effect like a possible effect of using a certain damage type – it will proc based on the amount of status chance you have – and different damage types have different effects.
Let me break it all down for you :)
Puncture damage is a highly effective base damage type vs. Ferrite armor (+50% physical damage) as well as Alloy armor (+15% physical damage). So then what is Ferrite armor and Alloy armor?
Ferrite armor is mostly used by grineers, same as Alloy armor – which makes Puncture damage most effective against these types of enemies.
Puncture damage status effect
The status effect that can be procced with Puncture damage is negative/reduced damage for the enemies(!) being battled with puncture damage.
Puncture damage weakness
Puncture falls short vs. all manner of shield enemy units – such that can be found within corpus enemy faction – only thing in corpus that puncture is remotely effective against is the Robotic enemy units where it deals +25% physical damage.
Looking closer at the infested faction we can see that Puncture has neither boost or lack of damage except for vs. “Sinew” enemy which there only is one of, a boss called Jordas Golem, besides this exception – Puncture is “neutral” and normal vs. all infested units.
So to summarize: Puncture is effective vs. Ferrite armor (+50%), Alloy armor (+15%) and Robotics (+25%), and falls short vs. Shield (-20%) and Proto Shields (-50%). Conclusion: Best to use against the Grineer enemy faction.
Impact damage deals +50% physical damage to Shield enemy units and +15% physical damage to Proto-shield enemy units – which makes it the most effective option vs. the Corpus enemy faction who have most enemy units of these two types.
Impact damage status effect
The status effect that can be procced with Impact damage is to make enemies “stagger” – which is a form of Crowd Control (CC) and can help you when fighting tougher enemies especially.
Impact damage weakness
Impact damage is least effective against so called “cloned flesh enemy units” which exist mostly within grineer (the less armored units) – it does -25% physical damage against these units. It does however deal +25% physical damage to Machinery type enemy units which can also be found within the grineer.
Slash damage is most effective againstflesh enemy units which can be found in the Infested enemy faction. It deals +25% vs. Infested enemy units, +50% vs. Infested Flesh enemy units and +15% vs. Fossilized Flesh enemy units (ancients for example). It is also quite effective vs. the grineer“cloned flesh” (lesser armored) enemy units.
Slash damage status effect
The status effect of Slash damage is to proc a “bleed effect” which deals damage over time (DoT) consisting of Finisher damage (which as you read above bypasses both shields AND armor to go directly onto health!).
Slash damage weakness
Even if Slash damage is quite effective vs. the grineer enemy factions lesser armored units – the “cloned flesh” units- it is still not very effective against the overall enemy faction because the grineer have a lot of heavily armored units as well – probably more than it has “cloned flesh” units. And vs. heavily armored units the Slash damage gets reduced physical damage by -15% vs. Ferrite armored enemy units, and -50% vs. Alloy armored (more heavily armored) enemy units.
This damage type as explained above Ignores all kinds of armor and shields(!) and goes directly onto pure health. Which makes this damage type especially effective against both shielded as well as armored enemy units(Grineer and corpus), which normally have a lot of defenses to bypass before succeeding in killing them(!).
Corrupted enemy units is what you will be battling at The Void for example and these units consist of a mix of all enemy factions – it’s hard to say what damage type is most effective against these, but many people simply goes Corrosive to melt the armor, coupled with Cold to make a dent into the massive shields The Void faction tend to have because of their Corpus Drone enemy units etc. More about cold in the next section below and corrosive later in this article under Elemental Combo damage.
Cold damage in Warframe
Cold is one of the 4 main Elemental damage types in Warframe, these can also be combined 1+1 to become a new type of damage that we will refer to as Elemental Combo damage and will discuss a bit later in this article.
Cold damage status effect
Cold damage has a status effect of slowing enemies down when procced. Could be a useful way of crowd control :)
Super-effectiveness of Cold damage in Warframe
It is quite effective vs. heavily armored(Alloy armor) enemy units that can be found within the Grineer faction, as well super effective vs. Shield units (+50% damage) – which makes Cold damage probably most effective vs. corpus but can be quite nice vs. Grineer enemies as well.
Electricity damage in Warframe
Electricity is another one of Warframes 4 main Elemental damage types.
Electricity damage status effect
It’s status effect is a “Chain-attack stun” which basically means AoE (Area of Effect) stun effect(!).
Super-effectiveness of Electricity damage in Warframe
Electricity is super effective vs. Machinery enemy units that can be found within the Grineer(+50% damage), as well as Roboticsenemy units found within the Corpus (+50% damage also).
Weakness of Electricity damage
It does however deal -50% damage to Alloy enemy units which makes it a bit impractical to use vs. Grineer since they have a lot of these units compared to the amount of Alloy armored enemy units and the fact that Electricity doesn’t seem to have a downside vs. Corpus in comparison.
Heat damage in Warframe
Super-effectiveness of Heat damage in Warframe
Heat damage is very effective vs. all manner of Flesh units (+25% damage vs. grineer cloned flesh units, +25% vs. infested and +50% vs. infested flesh).
Heat damage status effect
It can proc a Fire DoT effect together with “Panic” which is a form of CC (crowd control) on enemies.
Weakness of Heat damage
It does fall short against Proto shield enemy units however with a reduction in damage dealt by -50%.
So in conclusion most effective to use against Infested enemy units, or lower level grineer enemy units.
Toxin damage in Warframe
Super-effectiveness of Toxin damage in Warframe
Toxin damage deals +25% damage vs. Ferrite armored units, but and deals +50% damage vs. Flesh units within Corpus
Toxin damage has a status effect of Health DoT effect which means it can bypass shields and some forms of armor.
Weakness of Toxin damage
It falls short vs. Machinery enemy units in the Grineer faction, as well as -25% damage vs. their Robotic units and -50% damage vs. Fossilized enemy units such as the infested ancients.
Toxin damage status effect
So it’s hard to say exactly where it would be most effective, since the status effect is Health DoT.
Perhaps with modding to proc Status effect as much as possible it could be effective against Corpus.
How to get Elemental combo damage? Basically when modding your weapons you want to place 2 mods with respective elemental damage – such as Heat + Cold next to each other (modding order goes from Top-left corner to the right, to move onto lower row from left->right). Check out below image:
As you can see in the above image, Hellfire which is a Heat mod is placed next to Cryo rounds, which will give us Blast damage. And it wouldn’t matter if Hellfire was where Cryo rounds currently are and vice versa – as long as they are the adjacent next to each other elemental mods. If however we would place Hellfire where Cryo rounds are and Malignant Force (toxin mod) where Split chamber currently is at – then we would get Heat + Toxin = Gas damage – this is because after the first row – the mod-order continues on the bottom row from Left->Right same as on the first row. This example would however require us NOT to have Cryo rounds anywhere on the first row because first row has order priority over the second row!
Blast damage in Warframe
How to get Blast damage
Blast is the culmination of Heat damage + Cold damage.
Status effect of Blast damage
Blast damage gives the Status effect of a Knockdown – which can be useful Crowd control vs. tough enemy units.
Effectiveness of Blast damage
Blast damage is +75% effective vs. Machinery units within the Grineer and it is +50% effective vs. Fossilized enemy units such as Ancients.
Weakness of Blast damage
It fall short vs. Ferrite armored units which can be found within the Grineer enemy faction.
Hard to say where it’s most effective but either higher-level grineer enemy units or infested.
Corrosive damage in Warframe
How to get Corrosive damage
Corrosive is the culmination of Electricity + Toxin damage.
Status effect of Corrosive damage
This is one of the popular Elemental combo damage types in Warframe due to it’s Status effect being reduction of Armor(!).
Effectiveness of Corrosive damage
Corrosive damage melts Ancients and the like Fossilized enemy units within Infested, as well as deal +75% damage to the Grineer Ferrite armored enemy units.
Weakness of Corrosive damage
Corrosive damage does fall short by -50% against Proto Shield enemy units within the Corpus.
I’d probably say it’s most effective vs. High-level Infested enemy units as well as Grineer in general since they have a lot of Armored enemy units.
Gas damage in Warframe
How to get Gas damage
Gas damage is created from combining Heat + Toxin.
Status effect of Gas damage
Gas damage gives a Toxin AoE Status effect if procced.
Weakness of Gas damage
Gas damage deals -50% to Grineer’s cloned flesh units.
Effectiveness of Gas damage
Gas damage deals +75% damage to both Shield as well as Proto Shield units(!) as well as +75% damage to Infested and +50% to Infested Flesh enemy units.
Which makes it highly effective against the Corpus enemy faction, as well as Infested.
Magnetic damage in Warframe
How to get Magnetic damage
Magnetic damage is the culmination of Cold + Electricity.
Status effect of Magnetic damage
Magnetic damage has a Status effect of reducing Max shields(!).
Weakness of Magnetic damage
It falls short by -50% against Grineer Alloy enemy units.
Effectiveness of Magnetic damage
Magnetic damage is highly effective (+75%) vs. Corpus Shield as well as Proto Shield units.
Best used vs. Corpus I would say due to its massive effectiveness vs. Shielded units as well as the reduction of Max shields status effect(!).
Radiation damage in Warframe
How to get Radiation damage
Radiation is the culmination of Heat + Electricity damage in Warframe.
Status effect of Radiation damage
Does Serration Apply To Crit Dmg Warframe Budget Brown Recluse
Radiation damage has the Status effect of Reduced Accuracy as well as Friendly fire which can be good crowd control!
Effectiveness of Radiation damage
Radiation is Highly effective (+75%) vs. Grineer Heavily armored (Alloy) units and +25% vs. Corpus Robotic units.
Weakness of Radiation damage
Radiation damage falls short -25% vs. Shielded Corpus units as well as -50% vs. Infested and -75% vs. Fossilized enemy units.
Which makes it least effective vs. Infested and most effective vs. Grineer.
Viral damage in Warframe
How to get Viral damage
You get Viral damage from combining Cold + Toxin damage.
Status effect of Viral damage
Viral damage status effect is Reduction of Max health(!).
Effectiveness of Viral damage
It deals +75% damage to Grineer cloned Flesh and +50% damage vs. Corpus Flesh.
Weakness of Viral damage
Viral damage falls short by -25% vs. Grineer Machinery, and -50% vs. Infested units.
Which probably makes for the argument that its best suited vs. Grineer.
Popular Elemental Combo damage pairs in Warframe
Usually Blast + Corrosive is one Elemental Combo pair in Warframe that utilized all the elements – very effective vs. Armored units as well as Infested.
Another one is Magnetic + Gas which is most effective vs. Corpus enemy units.
Radiation + Viral is supposedly most effective vs. Grineer – but Blast + Corrosive is also very good here too.
Rarer in-complete Elemental Combo damages in Warframe
Sometimes People simply go Corrosive + Cold for example vs. Shielded units and/or The Void enemy faction or Corrosive + Heat vs. armored/infested units.
Vs. Grineer you probably want to go Puncture damage as well as Blast + Corrosive – OR if you want to try it out, Radiation + Viral :)
Vs. Corpus you probably want to go Impact damage as well as Gas + Magnetic.
Vs. Infested you probably want to go Slash damage and Blast + Corrosive (or corrosive + heat).
Vs. Corrupted you can try going Corrosive + Cold damage to reduce armor as well as Shields – opt for Status chance perhaps? It’s hard to say really.
There are mods such as “Expel”, “Bane”, “Cleanse” and “Smite” Corpus/Grineer/Corrupted/Infested that gives an increase in damage vs. these specific types of Enemy factions by +30%. Could be strong to use in your mod-setup to boost damage vs. specific enemies.
Punch through is a mechanic added to weapons through mods and can make the weapon fire through enemies, cover and objects. Might be cool/effective to try with a Bow for example to shoot 1 arrow through a few enemies xD
Stealth attacks bypassshields and armor due to its damage being Finisher damage. The damage is affected by weapon damage and mods (critical damage and critical chance). And it deals 3x Weapon damage for Daggers, Dual Daggers, Polearms and Staves while dealing 6x Weapon damage for Hammers and 4x weapon damage for all other types of weapons.
To calculate Stealth attack damage bonus the formula is Weapon Damage * Stealth multiplier (8x) * Weapon multiplier (6x for hammers).
You can access this type of damage if enemies are unaware of your presence when you walk up to them you get the option to press X to deal a stealth attack to the enemy executing in special animation.
If the Critical hit chance of a weapon Exceeds 100%every strike will be a critical hit, but there will also be a chance of an Orange crit which is displayed in orange color compared to the Regular crits which are displayed as Yellow color.
If the Weapons Critical chance Exceeds 200% however – you get a chance to Red Crit with every attack and at 300% every attack will be a guaranteed red crit.
Obviously Orange crits deal more damage than yellow crits and Red crits is the mother of all crits in damage but by how much you may wonder?
Orange crits deal 2*(crit multiplier -1) +1 <- the 2 comes from 200% and the crit multiplier can be seen on the weapons – you subtract with 1 because weapons damage is that 1.
For 300% crit you take 3*(crit multiplier -1)+1 (for minimum red crit) if you got 400% you do the same formula but 4 instead of 3 in the beginning :)
And as you can imagine, Red crits can lead to very impressive damage numbers :)
If you are interested in critical damage, take a look at warframe.wikia.com.
Shooting enemies in the head usually increases damage dealt by 2 times (doubles the damage)!
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If you can already solo level 40+ missions, please ignore this guide. If you're new or just can't seem to get past Jupiter (like me during my first whole year in warframe), then please have a read.
This guide was written to let new players know how to counter different types of enemies in terms of dealing damage and also surviving against them. I'll try to keep this nice and short but forgive me if I end up spewing out huge chunks of texts.
Other Warframe Guides:
- All Cave Locations (Orb Vallis / Vallis Spelunker Achievement).
- Orb Vallis Conservation for Floofs and Profit / Hunting Guide.
- Mesa, Akjagara and Redeemer Prime Drop Locations.
- Easy and Fast Way to Grind Standing for Vent Kids.
- Fortuna Fish Locations and Drops.
- Kitgun Builds / Guide.
- MOA Builds / Guide.
Does the situation below sound familiar to you?
Why am I only doing (insert small number) points of damage per bullet when I modded it for (insert stats as shown in arsenal) points of damage?
If you said yes, don't worry, your eyesight isn't going bad or anything. You're simply just not modding your items correctly (or not using the right weapon for the right job).
Modding in warframe can be very confusing for new players, especially when you have no idea how to actually interpret the information given to you. But fear not, I am here to give you a solution to that (sort of, don't report me if it doesnt work that well).
Now, Enemy health are generally split into 3 types: Armoured, Shield, and Flesh. Each of these types of health have DIFFERENT weaknesses.
With different types of health, there are also different factions of enemies you will face as you conquer the star chart: Grineer (ugly boiz), Corpus (Cubic helmets), Infested (What is this mess), Sentient (Advanced boiz), and Natural (wild animals you see on earth and other places i dunno). Note that I did not mention the Orokin faction because they are a mix of infested, corpus, and grineer.
As a beginner or someone who's clueless, just focus on grineer, corpus and infested for now.
Elemental Modding: Your Best Friend for Endless Level 100+ Survivals
Now I know what you're probably thinking, Why would I use these mods?, they only do their assigned damage when I trigger a status proc.
To that I say: Wrong!
Elemental damage as shown on your weapon will still be dealt to the enemy, the status proc is just the extra fancy effect the element has. Speaking of status procs, below is a list of all the elements and what they do when you trigger their status proc.
Basic Elements (Single):
- Heat: Sets the enemy on fire, deals damage over time (DoT) and causes them to stagger for a short period.
- Toxic: Deals DoT.
- Cold: Slows enemy movement.
- Electricity: Causes the enemy to stagger for a longer period compared to Heat.
Combined Elements (The Good Stuff):
- Corrosive (Electricity+Toxic): Reduces enemy armour value (pss, use this for grineer).
- Blast (Heat+Cold): Causes enemies within the affected range(~5m) to be knocked down.
- Viral (Toxic+Cold): Halves the target's Max and current health.
- Radiation (Electricity+Heat): Causes the target to attack anyone they see regardless of faction.
- Gas (Heat+Toxic): Deals DoT in an AoE(Area of effect) manner.
- Magnetic (Electricity+Cold): Reduces targets' shield capacity by 75%
Physical Damage - Back to the Basics
So...you dont have those fancy elemental mods yet? Don't worry, physical damage are here to help, and oddly enough, there are only 3 of them and each one of them are designed for a specific type of health.
This should be pretty straightforward, you cut things in half and stuff, this type of damage works great against flesh. Proc effect does DoT to the target.
I dunno the logic behind this but I guess you give them a ram to reduce their shields faster(?), impact damage are more effective towards shields, its Proc effect makes the enemy stagger and fall back a bit.
Think of this like AP (armour piercing) rounds, as the name suggests, puncture damage are more effective against armour. Puncture damage's proc effect makes the target do 30% less damage while affected.
Like elemental mods, there are also mods out there that increase your physical damage, but the common ones don't give you much, so I wouldn't recommend you to even bother using them. If you're gonna use them, use the rare ones.
What Damage to Use on Who?
Now that you know most of the damage types, what types of damage do you use on who?
As mentioned earlier, different types of enemy have different types of blah blah blah... you get it.
Just kidding (please don't report me), below is a list that tells you what type if damage I usually use for different enemies.
- Grineer: Corrosive, Puncture.
- Corpus: Magnetic, Impact, Slash, Toxic.
- Infested: Slash.
- Universal elements: Radiation, Viral.
But really though, use your brain here a bit, and just experiment around, because while theres all these elements, I tend to only use radiation and viral for most builds.
Types of Weapon Build
Most weapons split into 3 types of categories (no im not talking about primary, secondary, and melee): High crit, High Status, or a mix of those two.
Does Serration Apply To Crit Dmg Warframe Budget Brown Eyes
Important: Before you start experimenting with modding, always check the weapon's physical damage stats (if its got any that is cuz some weapons only dela elemental i.e. Lanka). Theres no point modding a Puncture based weapon for a corpus mission even if you got lots of elemental damage (you get the point: try to maximise your weapon's potential.
Semi-introduction to modding: Before you start adding other fancy mods, I strongly recommend you to apply these two types of mods first: Basic damage mod(Serration, Hornet strike, Pressure Point), Multishot mods(for primaries and secondaries).
High Crit Weapons
These weapons usually rely on higher base damage and crit chance as they won't trigger much status(i.e. Soma/Prime).
For these weapons, I would recommend you to put the basic elemental mods(uncommon grade, not the dual stat ones) as they give more elemental damage than the dual stats at 90% compared to the dual stats' 60%.
Aside from the elements, also slap on a critical chance mod (Point strike, True steel, etc) and a crit multiplier mod if you can(target cracker, organ shatter, etc).
High Status
These weapons usually rely on the status procs to finish off enemies at a faster rate (i.e.Detron).
for these weapons, I would recommend you to put on dual stat elemental mods(ones that add status chance and elemental damage within the same mod) first before you put on pure elemental mods as this allows the weapon to trigger status procs more often.
Mix of Both
Sigh...How do i put this, for these types of weapons that have both high status and high CC, you just gotta experiment and see which one fits you more as different people have different playstyles. i.e. Tiberon prime has High Crit chance on semi fire while it has higher status chance on full auto.
Special: Melee Build
The secret to not dying. Pss, are you always running low on health but have no health orbs nearby or health pads at your disposal?
Heres a secret: Use [Life Strike]
Seriously, this thing is underrated by new players because of this one word: Channeling.
What is channeling you ask? As the name implies, you channel your energy into your melee weapon to do more damage and with [Life strike], steal health from your enemy depending on how much damage you do. The amount of extra damage you do is decided by the channeling multiplier as shown in your arsenal section.
I know this sounds like a bad thing but trust me, all that energy you save up is gonna be useless if you die cuz your energy resets when you respawn, you might as well use it to save your ♥♥♥.
Here's another secret: [Rage] or [Hunter adrenaline] (converts damage done to energy) + [Life strike] = Immortality. Since youre basically generating health, which generates energy for generating more health.
Modding: Warframes (Some General Tips)
So, you can mod your weapon properly now, but as someone once said(I think, I dunno): A weapon is only as good as its user.
Warframe modding is another thing that new players tend to overlook cuz they usually think 'why bother if they can't even scratch me before I kill them?' Good luck saying that to a level 150 Bombard when you stay in sortie survival for an unnecessarily long time.
Much like modding weapons, modding Warframes are also situational. meaning that you mod according to your needs and the warframe's stats/abilities.
But assuming you're a beginner, lets just cover the basic set of mods you should use:
Increases your maximum shield capacity.
Increases your max health.
Increases your energy capacity.
Increases your energy efficiency, meaning that you require less energy to use abilities.
Increases your ability duration.
Increases your ability range for abilities that have a limited range. i.e. putting this on excalibur can make his slash dash distance further.
Increases your ability strength, this means abilities that add stats in any way will add more for the same amount of energy you use. I.e. Put this on Rhino and his iron skin will have more hit points,his rhino stomp will also do more damage.
After you put on these mods you should have 2 slots left(1 normal, 1 exilus if you've used an adapter), and your warframe should have 130% ability strength/efficiency/duration and 145% ability range. It should also have an increase in health and shield(if its got any shield that is).
If you somehow cant fit both Vitality and Redirection onto your warframe at the same time, Vigor is a good mod to use as it gives you both health and shield in 1 mod, but not as much as those 2 mods.
Now you might see a mod slot on the top with a weird circular icon, and you might've tried to put in a normal mod into that slot. Chances are, it wont fit.
That slot is reserved for a set of mods called Aura mods.
Aura mods are mods that give your entire team a passive boost, and the boost is depended on the mod. Aside from the passive boost, they also give you more mod capacity, so you can use them to increase your mod capacity first if you dont have an Orokin Reactor (yellow potato).
Mod Polarity
Hey, you. Yes you, you see those weird symbols on the top right corner of each mod and mod slot? guess what, they matter.
Mod polarity is another important step in modding your gear correctly, and this doesn't just apply to warframes, this applies to everything you mod.
Putting a mod into a mod slot with the corresponding polarity will Halve its cost on your mod capacity(I know, what a great bonus).
For example: Redirection at max rank costs 14 capacity(yikes), but if you put it into a mod slot that also has the same symbol as itself(shown on the top right corner of the mod), it will only cost you 7 capacity.
This is how people manage to fit a whole set of mods that have a total capacity of >60 into a warframe/weapon/companion.
Mods too big to put in but theres no polarity slots left?
You might be thinking: But my warframe only has 1 polarised slot, how can i fit all my mods then?
Introducing Forma, Forma allows you to manually add a polarity slot onto an item once it reaches level 30. But Beware tenno, are you ready for a sacrifice? (credits to Vay Hek for the quote).
Every time you put a forma onto an item, it resets its level to 0, which could be a bit annoying for new players due to their low mastery rank, So I recommend that you touch on this as you progress further into the game when you actually need it.
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