How To Develop A Unique Brand Personality

Create it: Because your brand personality is hard-working and honest, give your audience as sneak peek into your production process; reveal why it is that your end product is unique by being transparent about its creation. If users are paying a premium for “unique”, give them honest evidence of your “hard-working” side. Jan 14, 2019 Your personal brand should highlight your strengths, establish a reputation, build trust, and communicate the unique attributes that you bring to your current (or desired) industry. Cultivated well, your personal brand will signal to employers whether or not you’ll be the right fit for an open role.Tips for building your personal brand. Posting content that doesn’t match your brand’s perceived style is one way of getting your account unfollowed. Lastly, brand voice matters because you want your brand to be consistent and recognizable. Brand awareness succeeds when you can identify a brand only by their content before you even see who posted it.

Brand personality is the basic characteristics attached to your brand name. It decides how your audience identifies or relates with your brand. A unique brand personality can make your brand stand out irrespective of the competition.

Any brand can have a diverse personality variety which is mostly not defined and this can be quite confounding to the audience. Making known the personality of your brand is indeed pivotal.

Manual setup for outlook in mac shortcut. Below are some tips to guide you.

Sketch out your brandpersonality

When creating a brand personality, see your brand as a person. Ask yourself a few questions. How will it look like? How would it sound like if it spoke? How will people feel around it? How will it respond to feedback and comments? These basic attributes will decide how well your audience trusts and relates with your brand. Ignoring these important questions can create a complex personality that a lot of people won’t understand.

When you look at the coca-cola brand, for example, you can tell that they represent “happiness” and they are always full of excitement, honesty and love to share. You can see that from their “share a coke” campaigns.

Another example is the famous Nike brand known for manufacturing quality shoes. Nike’s personality is obvious to everyone. They are known to be rugged and full of excitement. They send out positive vibes that tell their quality of lifestyle and how cool they are. They are also innovative and are always serious with health and fitness.

Also read brand-storytelling-data-driven-storytelling

Do your Research

It’s very important that you do some research so you can know more about your brand and your potential audience. Take a look at similar brands which are well established, find out how they relate to their audience and how successful they’ve become. Then learn from it, try it out and see how it appeals to your audience or customers. But always try to be unique, because this is what helps you win over your competitors. Research may seem boring but the more you know about your audience and brand, the stronger you will become. Burn dmg to disk.

Understand your audience

Know your audience, what they love, their pain points, and how they communicate. Bear all that in mind whenever you are about making a decision, and make sure it is suitablefor them.

How to develop a unique brand personality quiz

Keep your brand personality alive

Once you have found a brand personality which perfectly fits your brand, stick to it. Make sure your brand acts in line with these new traits and shouldn’t sway away from it. Be consistent and make a conscious effort to maintain your brand personality. If your brand is a humorous one, keep on with it as long as it gets the desired results you need.

Pay attention to Reviewsafter creating your brand personality

This enables you to know how, where and how to improve and as such, it’s advisable to pay attention to reviews and learn from them. Humans are complex individuals and you should learn ways to relate with them. Acknowledge the feedback of your target market, both good and bad, and also feel free to ask them on how your brand can improve. Paying attention and learning from reviews helps in creating that ideal personality which would be loved by your audience.


In the long run, your services or products would become more predominant in the market because of how well you’ve maintained a great brand personality over time. Also, a brand personality well created develops legitimacy among its contenders and trust among its audience. So go on and make that ideal brand personality a reality.

Your brand is more than just your logo and color palette; your brand is an experience that communicates the essence of what you represent.

And like people, each great brand has a personality – your brand personality traits. It’s one of the many elements of your brand architecture.

Your brand’s personality and voice are what allow your business to make a personal connection with your audience. Just as people have values, goals, beliefs (and even flaws), so do organizations.

If your brand was a person, how would describe him or her?

Would your brand be a man or a woman? Young or old? Friendly or edgy? Smart or funny?

When you’re developing your brand strategy, identifying human personality traits can help crystallize the experience you want to deliver. Human personality traits are a powerful element that can help you win the mindshare you want to own (to be known for that certain something). People want to see the humanity within a business.

You’ll also be able to use your brand personality traits as a check-and-balance mechanism for your campaign creative and messaging. And, if you conduct a brand audit and find that your brand personality traits aren’t what you’re hoping for, you have an opportunity to change them.

Identifying Your Brand Personality Traits

There’s been a lot of great research on dimensions of brand personality. If you want to dive deep into this subject, we highly recommend reading this paper – “Dimensions of Brand Personality” – by Jennifer L. Aaker of Stanford. Even though it was published in 1997, it contains an excellent discussion of well-known brands and their human personalities.

Many business leaders struggle to come up with their brand personality traits. Understanding the five key dimensions of brand personality always helps.

Brand Personality Trait #1 – Competence

Rolex is a brand that scores high on competence. The brand is known for producing the world’s finest watches.

Brand Personality Trait #2 – Sincerity

Amazon is one of the world’s most trusted brands. It’s very sincere, supported by industry-changing shipping and return policies and exceptional product accessibility. CEO Jeff Bezos is extremely customer-focused, telling the customer exactly what to expect when interacting with Amazon and backing it up. Some Amazon suppliers don’t like it, but he has built Amazon into one of the world’s most trusted and sincere brands. While Amazon continues to break new ground, not all products are successful; Bezos is unafraid of failure, which helps make it more human.

Brand Personality Trait #3 – Sophistication

Even though Apple is a technology company, its brand is very sophisticated. Upon Steve Jobs’ return in the late 1990s, the company placed a heavy emphasis on design for its hardware, software and retail stores. Apple products are elegant, as is its packaging, software and marketing.

Brand Personality Trait #4 – Excitement

Virgin is an example of an exciting brand. It’s much like its creator, Richard Branson, and it’s differentiated through its unusual name, bold colors, innovating marketing and unique advertising.

Brand Personality Trait #5 – Toughness

Carhartt has been protecting the hardworking men and women of the United States since 1889. Their work boots, jackets and pants shield people from extremely cold temperatures, fire and water. The brand has been known for its toughness for over a century.

Do any of these five dimensions of brand personality directly apply to your brand? You may wish to bring your team together and write down all of the adjectives that they might use to describe your brand. If possible, limit each trait to one word: for example, “knowledgeable,” “fun,” “visionary,” “friendly,” or “creative.” Write down everything that is said.

Finalizing Your Brand Personality Traits

After you’ve finished your brainstorming session, organize the adjectives into similar groupings on a fresh sheet of paper. You’re seeking the most common groupings and the most accurate descriptions.

Discuss each grouping with your team and select the five that best describe your brand. Adobe for mac computer. Then select the best adjectives from each group.

Good work! But you’re not done yet. This is only your internal view of your brand. What does your market think? Before you decide on your final brand personality traits, you should survey your market to see what others think ­– it’s often surprisingly different from what your internal team perceives.

Use SurveyMonkey or SurveyGizmo if you don’t already have a survey tool in place. Here are written step-by-step instructions for conducting a brand audit.

If your results don’t match your desired brand personality, then update your brand strategy to better represent them.

How To Develop A Unique Brand Personality Analysis



How To Develop A Unique Brand Personality Quiz

This is an example of content contained in Module 4 – Brand Architecture of our comprehensive brand strategy toolkit. This module is about defining the elements of your brand that shape your brand experience.