Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services

PD-19-01—'Discontinuation of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (RSA-113)'
Feb 12, 2019 — PDF (18KB)

One common reality has been identified in basic guidance services, those operating in different situations such as youth centers, universities, schools, governmental or non governmental organizations, all dealing with a variety of users and demands, so needing specific knowledge and competencies. Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services supports people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and advance in meaningful employment by providing of range of services based on an individual’s employment goals. Give to Vocational Guidance Services - Vocational Guidance Services VGS is committed to providing vocational rehabilitation and work opportunities for Ohioans with physical, developmental, and intellectual disabilities.We are proud to provide services at our five locations throughout Northeast Ohio as well as virtual programming for those unable to join us in-person. Vocational Guidance Services is a vocational rehabilitation agency with a mission to prepare people with barriers to employment for a brighter future. Every year, we provide a comprehensive range of vocational rehabilitation services and paid work opportunities to nearly 4,000 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, a history of incarceration, injured veterans, and other barriers to employment. Child Care Services; Child Support; Community Services Block Grant; Social Services Block Grant; Children. Child Care Services; Child Support; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Families First; Nutrition Programs; Disability Services. Vocational Rehabilitation; Blind & Visually Impaired Services; Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of.

TAC-18-02—'Submission Procedures for Prior Written Approval Requests under the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Program'
Apr 11, 2018 — PDF (113KB)

TAC-18-01—'Two-Year Modification Requirements for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Unified and Combined State Plans'
Jan 19, 2018 — PDF (169KB)

TAC-17-05—'WIOA Annual Performance Report Submission'
Sep 11, 2017 — PDF (28KB)

PD-16-04 — 'Revision of Policy Directive (PD) 14-01 instructions for the completion of the Case Service Report Manual (RSA-911) for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the State Supported Employment Services Program'
June 17, 2017 — PDF (929KB)

Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services

PD-16-03 — 'Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Requirements for Unified and Combined State Plans'
Mar 9, 2016 — PDF (72KB)

PD-16-02 — 'Announcement of OMB Approval for Annual Report on Appeals Process (RSA-722)'
Dec 14, 2015 — PDF (119KB)

TAC-15-02 — 'Vision for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program as a Partner in the Workforce Development System under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act'
Aug 17, 2015 — PDF (69KB)

TAC-15-01 — 'Vision for the One-Stop Delivery System under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)'
Aug 13, 2015 — PDF (99KB)


PD-15-05 — 'Revisions to PD-12-06, instructions for completing the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services program'
Feb 5, 2015 — PDF (131KB)

TAC-13-02 — 'Reorganization of the Designated State Agency and the Designated State Unit for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program'
Jul 9, 2013 — PDF (99KB)

PD-13-01 — 'Announcement of OMB Approval for Annual Report on Appeals Process (RSA-722)'
Oct 22, 2012 — PDF (74KB)

TAC-12-04 — 'Provision of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to an Individual by More Than One Agency'
Jun 11, 2012 — PDF (52KB)

TAC-12-03 — 'Organizational Structure and Non-Delegable Responsibilities of the Designated State Unit for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. '
Apr 16, 2012 — PDF (73KB)

MOU-12-01 — 'Memorandum of Understanding Between Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service and U.S. Department of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration'
May 23, 2011 — PDF (46KB)

Ssscheduler tutorials page 3d

IM-07-08 — 'Transition Programs & Services: High School/High Tech & Vocational Rehabilitation'
Jul 23, 2007 — PDF (47KB)

PD-05-01 — 'Liquidation of Obligations Under RSA’s Formula Grants.'
Mar 8, 2005 — PDF (31KB)

IM-01-44 — 'Applicability of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 to the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program.'
Sep 25, 2001 — PDF (21KB)

IM-01-43 — 'Basic Information and Resources Available Regarding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.'
Sep 25, 2001 — PDF (21KB)

PD-01-03 — 'Implementation of Informed Choice.'
Jan 17, 2001 — PDF (42KB)

IM-01-18 — 'Development of National Registry for the Deaf-Blind.'
Dec 18, 2000 — PDF (19KB)

TAC-00-02 — 'Self-employment, Telecommuting, and Establishing a Small Business as Employment Outcomes.'
Jul 24, 2000 — PDF (27KB)


TAC-98-01 — 'Support Services for Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities and Others Who Need Assistance in Implementing Informed Choice.'
Nov 3, 1997 — PDF (48KB)

3/2- Mark Up/Mark Down In class Practice (Intro Activity) Practice: Mark Up and Mark Down Guided Practice 3/3- Sales Tax Practice (Warm Up) Guided Practice Mark Ups/Mark Downs Practice- Mark Up and Mark Down MORE practice 3/4- Quiz 13.3/14.1 Practice- Mark Up Mark Down (with Table) 3/5- Percent of Change Foldable. Unit 4-Real Numbers and Exponents. Week 26 3/9- 10-4 Zero and Negative Exponents. Unit4 20192020mrs. colville's math classroom.

There are various services. To have a better understanding of the services, let the objectives of the Guidance Services be known first..
Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services
  • To organize a fully functional counseling and testing center that would cater to the students and other members of the institution.
  • To promote the services of the Guidance Center to the students, faculty members and employees of the institution.
  • To establish a “catharsis center” where students, parents and faculty can pour their feelings in full confidentiality.
  • To provide opportunities for the students to enrich their social lives through the development of skills in interpersonal relationship, with the end in view of helping facilities the maximum utilization of their academic potentials.
The Services
a. Counseling Services
This is considered as the “heart and soul” of the guidance program. This service aims to assist students in gaining deeper self-understanding and awareness of one’s problems and the effective use of the decision process by formulating alternatives and projecting consequences of each that allow students to review critically what has taken place and makes provision for future meetings if they are needed.
Different approaches, skills and theories are implemented by counselors because people and situations are different. Sometimes one or the other is best, and sometimes the combination of techniques produces the most benefit. These counseling services are the following:
  • Individual Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • Family Counseling
  • Counseling Special Cases
b. Testing Services
In many educational institution as well as employment offices, tests are probably the most widely used specialized techniques in guidance. Test will be useful as a guidance tool if combined with appropriate planning for individual development. Test provides “information in meaningful terms through quantitative description.”
These services cover the administration, scoring, interpreting and evaluating results of selected test such as:
  • Admission Tests
  • Intelligence Tests
  • Individual Intelligence Tests
  • Group Intelligence Tests
  • Aptitude Tests
  • Interest Tests
  • Personality Tests
  • Projective Tests
  • Special Tests
c. Student Inventory Record
This is a continuous process of accumulating, recording and utilizing the information on each student for guidance and counseling purposes and obtaining a complete picture of the individual.
d. Training/ Seminar/ Forum
These are programs designed to help students discover their innate ability and talents a well as develop their emotional intelligence. Symposium and Forum are organized as information program to tackle important life issues like Love, Dating and Marriage; Natural Family Planning; abortion and Contraceptive Methods; Gender Issues and other relevant topics affecting the life of a person.
e. Placement and Career Services
Graduating students are being prepared by the series of career talks by experts in the different field of occupational endeavors. They are coached on how to write an application letter, resume and the development of self-confidence in facing interview by the prospective employer. Afterwards, an annual “Jobs Fair” and In-Campus Recruitment is organized where educational and medical institutions, industrial, commercial, and technical companies are invited to screen, evaluate, and accept the graduating students as job applicants.
f. Research Services
Research capabilities of the guidance center are conducted in conjunction with relevant educational studies like students’ delinquency problems, teenage pregnancy, faculty-student relationship and others. Researches help bridge the gap that currently exists between theories and practice in counseling. Result of the findings in research will serve as guideposts for guidance and educational planning.
g. Career and Life Planning
Career Development Program is a package of activities designed to develop skills in self-exploration, values clarification, values clarification, career planning and decision-making, and life goal setting.
h. Freshmen Enhancement Program
Freshmen Enhancement Program is a package of activities for freshmen designed to facilitate adjustment into college life, enhance self-awareness and understanding, and develop the basic skills in coping effectively with rigors of academic life. The components of this program include psychological testing and evaluation; study skills development; time management; stress management; and group growth session.
i. Orientation and Information
Orientation and Information service consists of accumulation dissemination of information about the different guidance activities, vocational opportunities, and educational information for better adjustment and personal growth.
j. Referral
Special cases, which require service beyond the scope of guidance and counseling program, are referred to other agencies.
k. Linkages
The Guidance and Counseling Program also carry out collaborative activities with school and community-based organizations.

l. Extension Services
Guidance staff functions and responsibilities go beyond the students. They extend themselves by helping others through training, seminars/workshops, or conduct research as they are often invited in occasions needing their skills and knowledge. In most instances, they render the service for free.
m. Peer Facilitation
Peer Facilitators are trained to help the staff in delivery of the guidance services, as well as extension services. On the other hand practicum students are provided the opportunity for on-the-job experience in the guidance field.

Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services Inc

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Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services New York